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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:57    点击次数:51

   浦东红盘陆家嘴锦绣云澜三期火热建档中,即将入市!抓紧机会关注!「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』作为陆家嘴集团五大系列销售住宅产品之一,“锦绣系”项目以其高品质、便捷的配套、人性化的户型规划等成为浦东改善置业的优选。同时依托陆家嘴集团国企实力及担当,也给予置业者们更多的确认性与信心。从花木的锦绣前城,到御桥的锦绣逸庭、「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』前滩的锦绣臻品,再到周浦的锦绣御澜、川沙的锦绣观澜和锦绣云澜、航头的锦绣澜湾……“锦绣系”产品一经面世,均成为区域内品质人居的标杆,是备受追捧的改善置业的优选。值得一提的是,「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』陆家嘴锦绣云澜作为陆家嘴集团再一次深耕川沙的又一“锦绣系”力作,项目整体承袭“锦绣系”内核基因,通过打造约52万方城市综合体,迭代升级而筑。项目整体包括川沙企业中心、川沙九六广场、「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』陆家嘴锦绣云澜,以川沙城市副中心内全新的综合体,引领一城活力,启幕“宜居、宜业、宜乐”的人居体验。位于陆家嘴锦绣云澜西侧的川沙九六广场,「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』承袭世纪大道九六广场的优质基因,或将引进奥乐奇超市、一线连锁餐饮、亲子娱乐等,集结川沙首店的强大阵容,引领片区商业新纪元。约3.5万平方米的商业体量开业后将服务于周边优质白领、社区人群,促进川沙区域消费能级的提升。(九六广场效果图)「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』陆家嘴打造的52万综合体由一条空中连廊无缝链接川沙九六广场,从家到商场形成专属归家动线,全程闲庭信步,为业主带来尊崇居住体验,尽享新海派生活的精致与优雅。(九六广场效果图)一方面,「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』这意味着未来业主将享受下楼即繁华商业的便捷,非常难得!另外一方面,一个有口皆碑的商业会吸引周边居民来此逛街、消费,长此以往就很容易形成区域中心,形成口碑和IP。陆家嘴锦绣云澜也会被贴上“区域中心之上住宅”的标签,价值自然与其它项目不同。陆家嘴锦绣云澜通过社区内的常绿通道即可到达西侧的川沙企业中心,「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』总建筑面积超过22万平方米,是一座集高端办公与商业为一体的大型商办综合体,未来将重点打造小微企业创业孵化、产业生态创新服务的研发孵化集群。从住宅到产业到商业,陆家嘴集团通过多重业态的过渡与串联,在川沙区域构建了片区城市风貌的整体性韵律感和艺术性,着力缔造川沙城市副中心新地标。(川沙企业中心效果图)2号线川沙站旁置业优选承载精英生活理想2号线是一条贯穿上海东西中轴的核心交通线,「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』是上海能级最强的地铁线之一,也被称为黄金2号线。康桥、周浦区域的新房相较于川沙而言,距离轨交站相对较远。2号线沿线、总价约500万级起的新房,川沙成为置业优选,陆家嘴锦绣云澜距离川沙站百度地图直线距离约1公里,步行可达。上车后4站直达张江,6站直达张江高科,陆家嘴锦绣云澜以更便捷的通勤,成为浦东新盘置业理想之选。繁华生活圈锦绣生活触手可及作为城市副中心,川沙很早就拥有了成熟的居住环境和完善的配套。「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』陆家嘴锦绣云澜拥有目前总价约500级起置业中更好的生活配套资源。以陆家嘴锦绣云澜为中心,「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』一公里范围内拥有百联川沙购物广场、绿地东海岸国际广场、家乐福等多个大型醇熟商业配套,可满足日常购物消费需求。同时,周边区域内教育资源优质、医疗配套完善,包括园西幼儿园、浦东实验小学、川沙中学南校、浦东中医院、浦东人民医院等,全能配套满足生活所需。(注:新房不承诺学区,最终对口情况以教育局公示为准)(温馨提示:「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』本图中的项目周边环境及相关设施等内容仅供参考,不是本公司对项目周边环境和相关设施等内容的承诺。项目周边环境和相关设施情况以政府部门核准的规划⽂件为准。)总价500万级更具性价比的2号线轨交盘产品方面,项目三期预计将推出建面约98-168㎡3-4房!项目总价500万级,什么概念呢?整个浦东2023年约10178套供应中(去临港),只有1463套房源总价低于约550万,占比仅约13.5%。如果聚焦到张江辐射区范围内,目前也就只有陆家嘴锦绣云澜了。「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』这个性价比,可想而知。第二,项目建面约98平得房率约80%。而浦东一套正常的新房,得房率大概约73%左右。也就是说,项目建面约98㎡户型中,与浦东其他新房的差距是6.86㎡,也就是约43.9万/套。这还只是百平米的户型,买的越大其中的差距就越大。也就是说,陆家嘴锦绣云澜同样面积的户型,为业主省下了33-43万/套的预算。并且,这个多出来了约5.1-6.86㎡使用面积,能为业主提供更加宽绰的居住体验。这是浦东目前为止地段更好、配套更完善、性价比更高、安全性更有保障的新盘!“锦绣系”迭代力作新海派国际社区陆家嘴锦绣云澜作为“锦绣系”七子之一,在设计上特别遵守城市、美学、生活三大维度的统一,注重社区生活场景中的人文精神渗透,「陆家嘴锦绣云澜」售楼处电话:400-960-1817【预约热线】置业利好惊喜登场!➡『温馨提示:为了节省您的宝贵时间,看房请提前来电预约,避免跑空!』搭建全龄全维的七重生活场景,匠心呈现“一环两轴三园六院”的四季自然秘境,以煊赫紫铜、海派格调、登堂入室三重美学归家,让居者尊享归家格局中的生活雅致,汇聚“约52万方城市综合体”的一城精彩,筑就都会秀场里的新海派国际住区。(项目效果图)Pudong Hongpan Lujiazui Brocade Yunlan Phase III hot construction file, is about to enter the market! Seize the opportunity to pay attention! "Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!""Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" As one of the five series of residential products sold by Lujiazui Group, the "Splendid System" project has become the best choice for improving real estate in Pudong with its high quality, convenient supporting facilities and humanized unit planning. At the same time, relying on the strength and responsibility of Lujiazui Group's state-owned enterprises, it also gives home buyers more confirmation and confidence.From the beautiful city of flowers and trees, to the beautiful garden of Royal Bridge, "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" The splendid beauty of the Qiantan, and then to the splendid Yu LAN in Zhoupu, the splendid View LAN and the splendid Yunlan in Chuansha, and the splendid LAN Bay in Hangtou... Once the "splendid system" products are available, they have become the benchmark of quality living in the region, and are the preferred choice for improving home ownership.It is worth mentioning that "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 [reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" As another "splendid system" masterpiece of Lujiazui Group once again deeply cultivates Chuansha, the project as a whole inherits the core gene of "splendid system" and is built by iterating and upgrading by creating an urban complex of about 520,000 square meters.The project as a whole includes Chuansha Enterprise Center, Chuansha 96 Square, "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" Lujiazui Beautiful Yunlan, with the new complex in Chuansha city sub-center, leads the vitality of a city, and opens the living experience of "livable, suitable for business and suitable for happiness".Located in Chuansha 96 Square on the west side of Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan, the sales office of "Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan" Tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real Estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" Inherits the high-quality genes of the 96 Square of Century Avenue, or will introduce Aoqi supermarket, first-line chain catering, parent-child entertainment, etc., gather the strong lineup of Chuansha's first store, and lead the new era of business in the area. After the opening of the commercial volume of about 35,000 square meters, it will serve the surrounding high-quality white-collar workers and community people, and promote the improvement of consumption level in Chuansha region.(96 Square renderings)"Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" The 520,000 complex built by Lujiazui is seamlessly linked to Chuansha 96 Square by an aerial corridor, forming an exclusive homecourse from home to the shopping mall, and walking leisurely through the courtyard, bringing the owners a living experience of respect and enjoying the delicacy and elegance of the new Shanghai life.(96 Square renderings)On the one hand, "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 [reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" This means that the future owners will enjoy the convenience of going downstairs and bustling business, which is very rare! On the other hand, a well-known business will attract surrounding residents to shop and consume here, and in the long run, it is easy to form a regional center, forming a reputation and IP. Lujiazui Beautiful Yunlan will also be labeled as a "residence above the regional center", and the value is naturally different from other projects.Lujiazui Beautiful Yunlan can reach the west Chuansha Enterprise Center through the evergreen channel in the community, "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" With a total construction area of more than 220,000 square meters, it is a large-scale commercial complex integrating high-end office and business. In the future, it will focus on creating a research and development incubator cluster for small and micro enterprise incubation and industrial ecological innovation services. From residential to industrial to commercial, Lujiazui Group, through the transition and series of multiple business forms, has built an integral sense of rhythm and artistry of the urban style in Chuansha region, and strives to create a new landmark of the sub-center of Chuansha city.(Chuansha Enterprise Center renderings)Line 2 Chuansha Station next to the preferred propertyBearing the ideal of elite lifeLine 2 is a core transportation line that runs through the east-west axis of Shanghai, "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 [reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" It is one of the most powerful subway lines in Shanghai, also known as Golden Line 2. Compared with Chuansha, the new houses in Kangqiao and Zhoupu areas are relatively far away from the railway interchange stations. Chuansha has become the preferred choice for new houses with a total price of about 5 million along line 2. Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan is about 1 km away from Chuansha Station and can be reached on foot. After getting on the bus, 4 stops direct to Zhangjiang, 6 stops direct to Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan with more convenient commute, becoming the ideal choice of Pudong Xinpan real estate.Prosperous life circleSplendid life is within reachAs a sub-center of the city, Chuansha has long had a mature living environment and perfect supporting facilities. "Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan has better living supporting resources in the current total price of about 500 level home.Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan as the center, "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" Within one kilometer, there are Bailian Chuansha Shopping Plaza, Greenland East Coast International Plaza, Carrefour and other large mature commercial facilities, which can meet the daily shopping consumption needs. At the same time, the surrounding area has high-quality education resources and perfect medical facilities, including Yuanxi Kindergarten, Pudong Experimental Primary School, Chuansha Middle School South School, Pudong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pudong People's Hospital, etc., which can meet the needs of life. (Note: The new house is not committed to the school district, the final matching situation is subject to the announcement of the Education Bureau)(Warm tips: "Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" The surrounding environment and related facilities of the project in this figure are for reference only, and are not the company's commitment to the surrounding environment and related facilities of the project. The surrounding environment and related facilities of the project shall be subject to the planning documents approved by the government departments.The total price is 5 millionMore cost-effective Line 2 rail offerIn terms of products, the third phase of the project is expected to launch about 98-168 square meters of 3-4 rooms!The total price of the project is 5 million, what is the concept? Of the approximately 10,178 units of supply in Pudong in 2023 (to Lingang), only 1,463 units have a total price lower than about 5.5 million, accounting for only about 13.5%. If you focus on the Zhangjiang radiation zone, there is only Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan. "Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan" sales office tel: 400-960-1817 [Reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" This cost performance, you can imagine. Second, the project construction area of about 98 flat room rate of about 80%. A normal new house in Pudong has a housing rate of about 73%. In other words, the construction area of the project is about 98 square meters, and the gap with other new homes in Pudong is 6.86 square meters, that is, about 439,000 / set. This is only one hundred square meters of the apartment, the bigger the difference between them. In other words, the same area of Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan apartment type, for the owner to save 330-430,000 / set of budget. In addition, this more than 5.1-6.86 square meters of use area, can provide owners with a more generous living experience. This is Pudong so far better location, more complete supporting, more cost-effective, more secure new disk!"Splendid Embroidery System" iteration masterpieceNew Shanghai International CommunityAs one of the seven children of the "Jinxiu Department", Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan in the design especially comply with the unity of the three dimensions of city, aesthetics and life, pay attention to the humanistic spirit penetration of the community life scene, "Lujiazui Jinxiu Yunlan" sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 [reservation hotline] Real estate good surprise debut! "Warm tip: In order to save your precious time, please call to make an appointment in advance to avoid running out!" Build a seven-fold life scene of all ages and dimensions, and show the four seasons of natural secret environment of "one ring, two axes, three parks and six courtyards" with ingenuity, and return home with famous copper, Shanghai style, and triple aesthetics, so that the residents can enjoy the elegant life in the pattern of home, and bring together a wonderful city of "about 520,000 square urban complex" to build a new Shanghai international residential area in the city show.(Project renderings)

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